Sunday, November 13, 2011

Family Pictures

It's that time of year again :). This year was our first time getting professional pictures done! I've been wanting to do it for so long, but wanted to wait till after the Nevaeh was here. We got them done by Frosted Productions, she is such an amazing photographer! She was so good and getting my kids to laugh and smile. And spent a long time with us to get the shots we wanted. This shot was not easy but it was soo worth it! The girls were such good sports and I think they enjoyed getting pictures taken in the mountains. I'm so glad we spent the money to do this cause the girls are at such a cute age right now, and to have these pictures captures them at this time in their life, and their sweet little faces that we can remember and have forever :).
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Laura said...

They're seriously way cute, Jen! Can't wait to get your Christmas card... hint, hint! ;)

Lindsay said...

You are just GORGEOUS!!!! And what a beautiful family! You pictures turned out great and I love your blog! so cute!

DRP said...